

AArch64 (see ARM64)
ABA problem, #
aborting the process, #
AcqRel, #
  • (see also release and acquire memory ordering)
acquire memory ordering (see release and acquire memory ordering)
add instruction (ARM), #
add instruction (x86), #
address-based waiting (Windows), #
  • (see also futex)
air, out of thin, #
alignment, #
allocating IDs (see ID allocation)
AMD processors, #
and instruction (x86), #
Arc, #
  • building our own, #
  • cyclic structures, #
  • get_mut, #
  • memory ordering, #, #, #, #
  • naming clones, #
  • using for channel state, #
  • weak pointers, #
    • performance cost, #
arguments, consuming, #
ARM64 (processor architecture), #
  • aarch64-unknown-linux-musl target, #
  • other-multi-copy atomic, #
  • weakly ordered, #
ARM64 instructions
  • add, #
  • ARMv8.1 atomic instructions, #, #
  • (branch if not equal), #
  • cbnz (compare and branch on nonzero), #
  • clrex (clear exclusive), #
  • cmp (compare), #
  • dmb (data memory barrier), #
  • ldar (load-acquire register), #
  • ldaxr (load-acquire exclusive register), #
  • ldr (load register), #
  • ldxr (load exclusive register), #
  • load-linked and store-conditional instructions, #
  • mov (move), #
  • overview, #
  • ret (return), #
  • stlr (store-release register), #
  • stlxr (store-release exclusive register), #
  • str (store register), #
  • stxr (store exclusive register), #
ARMv8 (see ARM64)
ARMv8.1 atomic instructions, #, #
  • overview, #
array::from_fn, #
assembler, #
assembly, #
  • inspecting compiler output, #
atomic, #, #
  • compare-and-exchange operations, #
  • fetch-and-modify operations, #
    • wrapping behavior (add and sub), #, #, #, #
  • load and store operations, #
    • example, stop flag, #, #, #, #, #
  • memory ordering (see memory ordering)
  • reference counting (see Arc)
atomic barriers (see fences)
atomic fences (see fences)
atomic types, #, #
  • compare_exchange, #
  • compare_exchange_weak, #
  • fetch_add, #
    • wrapping behavior, #
      • (see also overflows)
  • fetch_and, #
  • fetch_max, #
  • fetch_min, #
  • fetch_nand, #
  • fetch_or, #
  • fetch_store (see swap)
  • fetch_sub, #
    • wrapping behavior, #
      • (see also overflows)
  • fetch_update, #
  • fetch_xor, #
  • get_mut, #
  • load, #
  • store, #
  • swap, #
atomic-wait crate, #
AtomicBool, #
  • (see also atomic types)
  • locking using, #, #
AtomicI8 (see atomic types)
AtomicI16 (see atomic types)
AtomicI32 (see atomic types)
AtomicI64 (see atomic types)
AtomicIsize (see atomic types)
AtomicPtr, #
  • (see also atomic types)
  • compare-and-exchange, #
  • lazy initialization, #
AtomicU8 (see atomic types)
AtomicU16 (see atomic types)
AtomicU32 (see atomic types)
AtomicU64 (see atomic types)
AtomicUsize (see atomic types)
auto traits, #

B (branch if not equal) instruction (ARM), #
barriers (see fences)
basics, #
benchmarking, #, #
  • black_box, avoiding optimizations with, #, #
binary semaphore, #
black_box, #, #
blocking, #
  • channel, #
  • condition variables, #
  • futex wait operation, #
    • (see also futex)
  • mutexes, #
  • Once and OnceLock, #, #
  • semaphores, #
  • spin loop, #
  • thread parking (see thread parking)
boolean (atomic) (see AtomicBool)
borrowing, #
  • bending the rules, #
  • error, #
  • exclusive, #
  • from multiple threads (Sync), #
  • immutable, #
    • (see also shared)
  • local variables in a thread, #
  • mutable, #
    • (see also exclusive)
  • shared, #
  • splitting, #
  • undefined behavior, #
  • from_raw, #, #
  • into_raw, #
  • leak, #, #
  • unmovable type, wrapping in, #
btc (bit test and complement) instruction (x86), #
btr (bit test and reset) instruction (x86), #
bts (bit test and set) instruction (x86), #
building our own
  • Arc, #
  • channels, #
  • condition variables, #
  • mutexes, #
  • reader-writer locks, #
  • spin locks, #
busy-looping, #
  • (see also spinning)


C standard library, #
  • (see also libc)
cache coherence, #
  • protocol, #
    • write-through, #, #, #, #
cache lines, #
  • performance experiment, #
cache miss, #
caching (processors), #
  • (see also cache coherence)
  • compare-and-exchange operations, effect of, #
  • per core, #
  • performance experiment, #
cargo-show-asm, #
cas (compare and swap) instruction (ARM), #
casa (compare and swap, acquire) instruction (ARM), #
casal (compare and swap, acquire and release) instruction (ARM), #
casl (compare and swap, release) instruction (ARM), #
cbnz (compare and branch on nonzero) instruction (ARM), #
Cell, #
  • unsafe (see UnsafeCell)
  • blocking, #
  • borrowing, #
  • building our own, #
  • dropping, #
  • one-shot, #
  • safe interface, #
  • Sender and Receiver types, #, #
  • storing in Arc, #
    • avoiding, #
  • unsafe interface, #
Clone trait, #, #, #, #, #
  • captured values
    • moving, #, #
  • spawning scoped threads using, #
  • spawning threads using, #
clrex (clear exclusive) instruction (ARM), #
cmp (compare) instruction (ARM), #
cmpxchg (compare and exchange) instruction (x86), #
#[cold], #
compare-and-exchange operations (atomic), #
  • on ARM64, #
  • caching, effect on, #
  • compiler optimization, #
  • example, ID allocation, #
  • example, lazy initialization, #, #
  • memory ordering, #
  • using for channel state, #
  • using for mutex state, #
  • using for reader-writer lock state, #
  • using on AtomicPtr, #
  • using to lock reference counter, #
  • weak, #
    • on ARM64, #
  • on x86-64, #
Compiler Explorer, #
compiler fence, #, #
compiler optimization
  • black_box, avoiding with, #, #
  • #[cold], #
  • of compare-and-exchange loops, #
  • enabling, #, #
  • #[inline], #
  • reordering, #
complex instruction set computer (CISC), #
concurrency, basics, #
condition variables, #
  • building our own, #
  • example, #
  • memory ordering, #
  • pthread_cond_t, #
  • thundering herd problem, #
  • timeout, #
  • using to build a channel, #
  • Windows, #
Condvar, #
  • (see also condition variables)
consume memory ordering, #
consuming arguments by value, #
contention (mutexes), #, #
  • benchmarking, #
Copy trait, #, #
  • atomic types, not implementing, #
  • moving, #
critical section (Windows), #
current thread, #, #, #
cyclic structures (Arc), #


data races, #
  • avoiding using atomics, #, #
Deref trait, #, #, #
DerefMut trait, #, #, #, #
disassembler, #, #
dmb (data memory barrier) instruction (ARM), #
drop function, #, #, #
Drop trait, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #
dword, #


--emit=asm (rustc), #
exclusive references, #


fair locks, #
false sharing, #
fences, #, #, #
  • on ARM64, #
  • compiler fence, #, #
  • instructions, #
  • process-wide memory barriers, #
  • on x86-64, #
fetch-and-modify operations (atomic), #
  • on ARM64, #
  • example, ID allocation, #
  • example, progress reporting, #
  • example, statistics, #
  • wrapping behavior (add and sub), #
    • (see also overflows)
  • on x86-64, #
fetch_store operation (atomic) (see swap operation)
fetch_update (atomic), #
FlushProcessWriteBuffers (Windows), #
forgetting (see leaking)
FreeBSD, umtx_op syscall, #
  • (see also futex)
from_fn (array), #
futex, #
  • cross-platform futex-like functionality, #
  • example, #
  • memory safety, #
  • on other platforms, #
  • operations (Linux), #
  • requeuing, #, #
  • spurious wake-ups, #
  • timeout, #, #
  • wait operation, #
  • wake operation, #


globally consistent order, #
  • (see also sequentially consistent memory ordering)
Godbolt, #
good luck, #
  • dropping, #
  • join guard, #
  • mutex guard, #, #
  • read guard, #, #
  • spin lock guard, #
  • write guard, #, #


hand, things getting out of, #
happens-before relationships, #
  • in Arc, #, #
  • between threads, #
  • locking and unlocking, #, #
  • spawning and joining threads, #
  • through a release-acquire pair, #, #
    • chaining, #
  • within the same thread, #
hint::black_box, #, #
hint::spin_loop, #


ID allocation
  • using compare_exchange_weak, #
  • using fetch_add, #
  • using fetch_update, #
ideas and inspiration, #
if let statement
  • lifetime of temporaries, #
ignorance, blissful, #
immutable references, #
  • (see also shared references)
indivisible, #
#[inline], #
inspiration, #
Instant, #
instruction reordering (see reordering)
instructions, #
  • (see also ARM64 instructions; x86-64 instructions)
  • compare-and-exchange operations, #, #
  • fences, #
  • load and store operations, #
  • load-linked/store-conditional (LL/SC) instructions, #
  • memory ordering, #
  • overview, #
  • read-modify-write operations, #
Intel processors, #
interior mutability, #, #, #
invalidation queues, #


jne (jump if not equal) instruction (x86), #
join method, #
JoinGuard, #
JoinHandle, #
joining threads, #
  • happens-before relationship, #


kernel, #, #
  • interfacing with, #
  • kernel-managed objects (Windows), #


L1/L2/L3/L4 cache, #
label (assembly), #
lazy initialization
  • using compare_exchange, #
  • using compare_exchange and allocation, #
  • using load and store, #
ldadd (load and add) instruction (ARM), #
ldadda (load and add, acquire) instruction (ARM), #
ldaddal (load and add, acquire and release) instruction (ARM), #
ldaddl (load and add, release) instruction (ARM), #
ldar (load-acquire register) instruction (ARM), #
ldaxr (load-acquire exclusive register) instruction (ARM), #
ldr (load register) instruction (ARM), #
ldxr (load exclusive register) instruction (ARM), #
leaking, #, #
  • by mistake, #
  • a MutexGuard, #
“Leakpocalypse”, #
libc, #
  • pthreads functionality in, #
libpthread, #
  • (see also pthreads)
  • elision, #, #
  • in a struct, #
  • of mutex guard, #
  • specifying using plain English, #
  • static, #
linked list, #
  • futex syscall, #
    • (see also futex)
    • arguments, #
  • futex_waitv syscall, #
  • interfacing with the kernel, #
  • libc, role of, #
  • membarrier syscall, #
  • process-wide memory barrier, #
  • RCU, #
load and store operations (atomic), #
  • on ARM64 and x86-64, #
  • compared to non-atomic operations, #, #
  • example, lazy initialization, #
  • example, progress reporting, #
  • example, stop flag, #
load-linked/store-conditional (LL/SC) loop, #
  • on ARM64, #
  • compiler optimization, #
lock poisoning, #
lock prefix (x86), #
lock_api crate, #
luck, good, #


machine code, #
machine instructions (see instructions)
  • futex-like functionality on, #
  • interfacing with the kernel, #, #
  • os_unfair_lock, #
main thread, #
ManuallyDrop, #
MaybeUninit, #, #, #
mem::forget, #
membarrier syscall, #
memory barriers (see fences)
memory fences (see fences)
memory model, #
memory ordering, #, #
  • on ARM64, #
  • compiler fence, #, #
  • consume, #
  • experiment, using relaxed instead of release and acquire, #
  • fences, #, #, #
  • happens-before relationship, #, #
  • Miri, detecting problems with, #
  • misconceptons about, #
  • out-of-thin-air values, #
  • at processor level, #
  • reference counting, #, #, #, #, #
  • relaxed, #, #
  • release and acquire, #
    • (see also release and acquire memory ordering)
    • locking and unlocking, #
  • sequentially consistent, #
    • (see also sequentially consistent memory ordering)
  • specifying using plain English, #
  • total modification order, #, #, #, #
  • on x86-64, #
MESI cache coherence protocol, #
MESIF cache coherence protocol, #
mfence (memory fence) instruction (x86), #
microinstructions, #
Miri, #
MOESI cache coherence protocol, #
mov (move) instruction (ARM), #
mov (move) instruction (x86), #
movable, not
  • critical section (Windows), #
  • Pin, #
  • pthread types, #
  • wrapping in Box, #
move closure, #
multi-copy atomicity, #
mutability, interior (see interior mutability)
mutable references, #
  • (see also exclusive references)
Mutex, #, #
  • (see also mutexes)
mutexes, #
  • building our own, #
  • as container, #
  • contention, #, #
  • example, #
  • fair, #
  • happens-before relationship, #
  • into_inner, #
  • lifetime of mutex guard, #
  • memory ordering, #
  • Mutex type in Rust, #
  • os_unfair_lock (macOS), #
  • in other languages, #
  • poisoning, #
  • pthread
    • wrapping in Rust, #
  • pthread_mutex_t, #
  • recursive, #
  • robust, #
  • Send requirement, #
  • spin locks, #
    • (see also spin locks)
  • spinning, #, #
  • using to build a channel, #
MutexGuard, #
  • dropping, #
  • lifetime of, #
mutual exclusion (see mutexes)


name of a thread, #
NetBSD, futex support, #
  • (see also futex)
NonNull, #


-O flag (rustc), #, #
Once and OnceLock, #, #
one-shot channels, #
OpenBSD, limited futex support, #
  • (see also futex)
operating systems, #
  • (see also Linux; macOS; Windows)
  • libraries shipped with, #
  • synchronization primitives, #
optimization (see compiler optimization)
or instruction (x86), #, #
Ordering, #, #
  • AcqRel, #
    • (see also release and acquire memory ordering)
  • Acquire, #
    • (see also release and acquire memory ordering)
  • Consume, #
  • Relaxed, #, #
  • Release, #
    • (see also release and acquire memory ordering)
  • SeqCst, #
    • (see also sequentially consistent memory ordering)
os_unfair_lock (macOS), #
other-multi-copy atomicity, #
out of order execution (see reordering)
out-of-thin-air values, #
output locking, #
overflows (atomic), #
  • (see also wrapping behavior)
  • aborting on, #
  • notification counter, #
  • panicking on, #
  • preventing (compare-and-exchange), #
  • reference counter, #
  • usize, big enough, #
overview of atomic instructions, #
  • moving, #, #
  • sharing, #
  • transferring to another thread (Send), #


  • poisoned mutexes, #
  • RefCell, borrowing, #
  • thread name in panic messages, #
  • using a Condvar with multiple mutexes, #
  • when joining a thread, #, #
  • when spawning a thread, #
parking (see thread parking)
parking lot-based locks, #
parking_lot crate, #
PhantomData, #, #
Pin, #
pipelining, #
  • atomic (see AtomicPtr)
  • neither Send nor Sync, #
  • NonNull, #
poisoning, lock, #
  • pthreads, #
println, use of output locking, #
priority inheritance, #
priority inversion, #
privacy (modules), #
process-wide memory barriers, #
processes, #
processor architecture, #
  • (see also ARM64; x86-64)
  • strongly ordered, #
  • weakly ordered, #
processor caching (see caching)
processor instructions (see instructions)
processor registers, #
  • return value, #
pthreads, #
  • pthread_cond_t, #, #
  • pthread_mutex_t, #
    • dropping while locked, #
  • pthread_rwlock_t, #
  • wrapping in Rust, #


queue-based locks, #


racing, #
Rc, #
RCU (read, copy, update), #, #
reader-writer locks, #
  • avoiding accidental spinning, #
  • building our own, #
  • pthread_rwlock_t, #
  • Send requirement, #
  • SRW locks (Windows), #
  • Sync requirement, #
  • writer starvation, #, #
recursive locking, #, #
reduced instruction set computer (RISC), #
RefCell, #
  • RwLock compared to, #
reference counting, #
  • (see also Arc)
  • exclusive, #
  • immutable, #
    • (see also shared)
  • mutable, #
    • (see also exclusive)
  • shared, #
registers, #
  • return value, #
relaxed memory ordering, #, #, #
  • counter-intuitive results, #
  • misconceptions about, #, #
  • out-of-thin-air values, #
  • reference counting, #
  • total modification order, #, #, #, #
release and acquire memory ordering, #
  • acquire fence, #, #, #, #, #
  • on ARM64, #
  • example, lazy initialization, #
  • experiment, using relaxed instead, #
  • happens-before relationship, #, #
    • chaining, #
  • locking and unlocking, #, #
  • reference counting, #, #, #, #
  • release fence, #
  • on x86-64, #
--release flag (cargo), #, #
reordering (instructions), #, #
  • memory ordering, #
#[repr(align)], #
requeuing waiting threads, #, #
ret (return) instruction (ARM), #
ret (return) instruction (x86), #
robust mutexes, #
rustup, #
RwLock, #, #
  • (see also reader-writer locks)
RwLockReadGuard, #
RwLockWriteGuard, #


safe interface, #, #, #
safety requirements of unsafe functions, #
scheduler, #
scoped threads, #
semaphores, #
Send trait, #, #, #
  • error, #
  • implementing for Arc, #
  • implementing for spin lock guard, #
  • requirement by Mutex and RwLock, #
SeqCst (see sequentially consistent memory ordering)
sequence locks, #
sequentially consistent memory ordering, #
  • on ARM64, #
  • fence, #
  • misconceptions about, #, #
  • on x86-64, #
shadowing, #
shared ownership, #
  • leaking, #
  • reference counting, #
  • statics, #
shared references, #
  • mutating atomics through, #
slim reader-writer locks (Windows), #, #
spawning threads, #
  • failing to, #
  • happens-before relationship, #
  • scoped, #
spin locks
  • building our own, #
  • cache lines, effect of, #
  • compare-and-exchange, (not) using, #
  • experiment, using wrong memory ordering, #
  • guard, #
  • memory ordering, #
spin loop hint, #, #
spinning, #, #, #
  • avoiding accidental (reader-writer lock), #
splitting (borrowing), #
spurious wake-ups, #, #, #
SRW locks (Windows), #, #
stack size, #
starvation, #, #
static lifetime, #
statics, #
stlr (store-release register) instruction (ARM), #
stlxr (store-release exclusive register) instruction (ARM), #
stop flag, #
store buffers, #
store operations (atomic) (see load and store operations)
store-conditional (see load-linked/store-conditional)
str (store register) instruction (ARM), #
stress, reducing, #
strongly ordered architecture, #
stxr (store exclusive register) instruction (ARM), #
sub (subtract) instruction (x86), #
swap operation (atomic), #
  • locking using, #
Sync trait, #, #
  • implementing for Arc, #
  • implementing for channel, #
  • implementing for mutex, #
  • implementing for reader-writer lock, #
  • implementing for spin lock, #
  • implementing for spin lock guard, #
  • requirement by RwLock, #
SYS_futex (Linux), #
  • (see also futex)
  • arguments, #
syscalls, #
  • avoiding, #, #


--target (rustc), #
teaching, #
thin air, out of, #
thread builder, #
thread name, #
Thread object, #
  • id, #
  • unpark, #, #
thread parking, #, #, #, #
  • spurious wake-ups, #
  • timeout, #
    • example, #
thread safety, #, #
  • keeping objects on one thread, #
ThreadId, #
threads, #
  • joining, #
  • panicking, #, #
  • returning a value, #
  • scoped, #
  • spawning, #
thundering herd problem, #
time travel, #
  • condition variables, #
  • futex, #, #
  • thread parking, #
    • example, #
total modification order, #, #, #, #


uncontended (mutexes), #, #
  • benchmarking, #
undefined behavior, #
  • borrowing, #
  • data races, #
  • Miri, detecting with, #
  • time travel, #
uninitialized memory, #
Unix systems
  • interfacing with the kernel, #
  • libc, role of, #
  • critical section (Windows), #
  • Pin, #
  • pthread types, #
  • wrapping in Box, #
unpark (Thread), #
unparking (see thread parking)
unsafe code, #
unsafe functions, #
unsafe trait implementation, #
UnsafeCell, #, #, #
  • get_mut, #
unsound, #


VecDeque, #


waiting (see blocking)
WaitOnAddress (Windows), #
WakeByAddressAll (Windows), #
WakeByAddressSingle (Windows), #
Weak (see Arc; weak pointers)
weakly ordered architecture, #
  • experiment, using relaxed instead of release and acquire, #
Windows, #
  • condition variables, #
  • critical section, #
  • FlushProcessWriteBuffers, #
  • interfacing with the kernel, #
  • kernel-managed objects, #
  • Native API, #
  • process-wide memory barrier, #
  • SRW locks, #, #
  • WaitOnAddress, #
  • WakeByAddressAll, #
  • WakeByAddressSingle, #
  • Win32 API, #
windows crate, #
windows-sys crate, #
wrapping behavior (fetch_add and fetch_sub), #
  • (see also overflows (atomic))
wrapping unmovable object in Box, #
write-through cache coherence protocol, #
writer starvation, #, #


x86-64 (processor architecture), #
  • other-multi-copy atomic, #
  • strongly ordered, #
  • x86_64-unknown-linux-musl target, #
x86-64 instructions
  • add, #
  • and, #
  • btc (bit test and complement), #
  • btr (bit test and reset), #
  • bts (bit test and set), #
  • cmpxchg (compare and exchange), #
  • jne (jump if not equal), #
  • lock prefix, #
  • mfence (memory fence), #
  • mov (move), #
  • or, #, #
  • overview, #
  • ret (return), #
  • sub (subtract), #
  • xadd (exchange and add), #
  • xchg (exchange), #, #
  • xor, #
xadd (exchange and add) instruction (x86), #
xchg (exchange) instruction (x86), #, #
xor instruction (x86), #